Timely information increases patients' adherence
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, New North Zealand Hospital strives to have a close dialogue with the patients before and after surgery. The Emento Patient Guide prepares the patient for surgery and helps them adhere to rehabilitation - and the results are compelling.
Knee and shoulder arthroplasty as same day surgical procedures become increasingly common. Adequate communication is essential to successful pathways – promoting independence, maximizing quality of life, and meeting patients' needs after surgery and during rehabilitation.
The app-based guide supports and informs patients from the time before surgery and throughout the period after surgery, about pain, functional scores, and rehabilitation. The patient gets information on what will happen next at the right time. Short videos with simple messages about the operation help to familiarize the patient with what happens during their hospitalization. After surgery and during rehabilitation, the patient receives informative videos on e.g., how to perform the physical exercises.
- I wouldn't have gotten through my pathway as well if I only got the information in e-Boks. You get an understanding of what to emphasize and only the most important things. It's short and concise videos and not a long speech about a lot of things,
says Stefan G. Rasmussen, knee patient, 71 years old. When patients have acquired the generic information themselves beforehand, the conversation is more focused on the patient's needs.
Getting insight into the patient's health literacy
When a video has been seen and hopefully understood, the patient ticks off a box to let the hospital staff know. Previously the hospital sent an electronic letter hoping that the patient read it. But now, the department has a way to follow the patient's health literacy level – and helping with additional information and support when needed.
- In the past, we've given a huge amount of information in a short time and often at a time when patients couldn't fully absorb the information. With the app, we can guide patients through the pathway in a way that suits each individual patient. It has undoubtedly strengthened our communication,
says Pernille Greisen, Head Nurse, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at New North Zealand Hospital
In addition, the platform provides a unique opportunity to continuously adapt the information if it turns out that some of the videos do not appeal to the patients. The Care Guide platform is agile, and the content can easily and quickly be changed to fit the needs of each patient.
Fewer no-shows and cancellations
The increase in health literacy has not only benefited the patients. When patients know more and are better informed, cancellations and no shows are fewer.
- From a socio-economic point of view, it makes perfect sense to rethink communication with our patients and to curb the number of cancellations that cost a lot of money. Here we have a specific tool that we expect can help us along the way,
says Henrik Schødts, project director, New North Zealand Hospital.
Striking difference
Knowing about process, pain and common side-effects before the surgery increases the patient's autonomy.
In Denmark, rehabilitation and physical therapy take place in the municipal setting. Department of Orthopedic Surgery at New North Zealand Hospital cooperates with many different municipalities, and the message is clear:
Patients using a patient guide attend physical therapy in better shape and have better progress than patients who do not use a care guide.
The Municipality of Hillerød has started to cooperate with the department on a project to optimize information for outpatient knee, hip, and shoulder arthroplasty.
- The patients' transition from hospital to rehabilitation must be as safe and smooth as possible. And if the patient guide can help ensure a good patient experience in this transition, it is certainly interesting to take a closer look at it,
says Bente Ourø Rørth, CEO, New North Zealand Hospital.

Want to learn more?
You are very welcome to contact Allan Juhl, if you want to learn more or book a demo
Email: allan@emento.dk